<<D-10 VISA Extension>> The most important thing for D-10 VISA (Job Seeking VISA) Extension is to prove your living expenses. When you apply for D-10 VISA Extension, you shall submit documents for proving your living expenses. In principle when you submit the documents to prove your living expenses, it is as follows: (1) Bank transaction details including the last 6 months (certificate of bank transaction details) and bank balance to prove your financial allowance for the next 6 months (certificate of bank balance). (2) If there is an unclear expenses statement on bank statements, the applicant for D-10 VISA Extension has d duty to prove it. (3) If the applicant violated the change of information on Alien Registration, such as an internship working without a report to Immigration Office etc.) and it is confirmed by Immigration Office, which the applicant has been working as an intership without a working permit from the Immigration Office etc., the period of ext...
▶ 02.523.3075 ▶ janghaeng@naver.com ◀ 010.6383.3078 ▶ 인,허가 전문 (식품, HACCP등), 출입국 VISA in KOREA, 전문 번역 및 번역공증 대행, 영사확인 대행 전문