<< Urgent Notice: Automatic Extension of Period of Stay for Registered Foreigners >> In order to prevent and minimize the spread of infection by COVID-19, Immigration Offices decide to extend the period of stay for registered foreigners until April 30, 2020 AUTOMATICALLY. In this regards, please refrain from visiting your designated immigration offices until COVID-19 crisis is stabilized. If you want to extend your stay or report other immigration related affairs, please kindly visit to Hi Korea website or contact to 1345 Immigration Contact Center for further information. **However, E-9 visa, E-10 visa holders are EXCLUDED in the automatic extension. **You may check whether your visa has been extended or not on www.hikorea.go.kr and click ‘Check the authorized period of stay’ button and fill some information on that. In summary, except for E-9 visa and E-10 visa holders, if registered foreigners's eligible expiration date is before April 29, 2020, it shall ...
▶ 02.523.3075 ▶ janghaeng@naver.com ◀ 010.6383.3078 ▶ 인,허가 전문 (식품, HACCP등), 출입국 VISA in KOREA, 전문 번역 및 번역공증 대행, 영사확인 대행 전문