<<Points based D-10 VISA, Job Seeking VISA Implementation from Oct. 1, 2018>> 점수제 구직비자 D-10비자 (D-10 VISA Job Seeking VISA Korea) The Ministry of Justice is going to introduce and implement "Points based Job Seeking VISA, D-10 VISA" from Monday, October 1, 2018 to support domestic SMEs and Venture companies who are having difficulties in finding talented overseas expats. D-10 VISA is a job seeking visa which allows talented expats seeking employment in Republic of Korea to work for the specific fields (Especially E-7 VISA etc. ) In the meantime, the previous D-10 VISA's applicants qualification has been strict such as domestic graduation from one of Korean universities (colleges), working experience at Fortune 500 enterprises as well as Times World Top 200 Universities graduators etc. By introducing the point system for D-10 VISA, it is to be expected the scopre of excellent talented expats by objectifying the items such as age, educatio...
▶ 02.523.3075 ▶ janghaeng@naver.com ◀ 010.6383.3078 ▶ 인,허가 전문 (식품, HACCP등), 출입국 VISA in KOREA, 전문 번역 및 번역공증 대행, 영사확인 대행 전문