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10월, 2020의 게시물 표시

Most important Korea Immigration penalty_Part II_Workplace Change_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 Most important  Korea Immigration penalty_Part II_Workplace Change_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/7etazJAelUc 법 제21조제1항 본문을 위반하여 허가를 받지 않고 근무처를 변경하거나 추가한 사람 (1) If an alien staying in the Republic of Korea intends to change or add his/her workplace within the scope of his/her status of stay, he/she shall obtain prior permission from the Minister of Justice. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #violate_immigration_law #penalty #fine #visainkorea #장행닷컴

Most important Korea Immigration penalty Part I_Stay and Scope of Activity _VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 Most important  Korea Immigration penalty Part I_Stay and Scope of Activity _VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/RW-TTK0_ftg 법 제17조제1항을 위반하여 체류자격이나 체류기간의 범위를 벗어나서 체류한 사람 Article 17 (Stay and Scope of Activity of Aliens) (1) Every alien may stay in the Republic of Korea as permitted by his/her status of stay and within the authorized period of stay. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #violate_immigration_law #penalty #fine #visainkorea #장행닷컴

E7-4 VISA Korea_정기적금_installment savings_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 E7-4 VISA Korea_정기적금_installment savings_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/dxx2MVDy_Rs How to get additional points through Installment Savings for a certain period of time when I apply for E7-4 VISA Korea, a point-based skilled worker's visa? What is an Installment Savings with a certain Period (정기적금)? It is not a regular deposit in your current bank account. It refers to deposits of a certain amount of money in your Installment Bank Account monthly after making a contract with a bank. It is called it as “Installment Savings with a certain Period (정기적금). You need to deposit certain amount of money monthly and withdraw your savings after all your money in the designated date. VISA in KOREA  장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #eps #e9 #e9visa #installment_savings #additional_points #e7visa #e74visa #skilled_worker_visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

F5-11 VISA in Korea_Points based Permanent Residency VISA_Is an Inventor a Patent Holder?

 F5-11 VISA_Points based Permanent Residency VISA_Is an Inventor a Patent Holder?_https://youtu.be/OfLn8QWejQ0 I have received several questions regarding F5-11 VISA and they asked me about 'Who is a patent holder? I am an inventor and it means am I a patent holder?' Some of expats are studying under Post doctorate course or on doctorate degree now or previously, they invented several things. F5-11 VISA is a point-based permanent residency visa which allows you to get F-5 visa if you meet the required scores based on your proof evidence. To apply for F5-11 VISA, there are 3 types: You may check Youtube channel. If you are accepted as a patent holder, you may get 20~25 points. However, actually, they don't have any ideas who is an inventor or a patent right holder or An inventor is the same as an applicant of Patent? 점수제 영주권_특정분야 능력 소유자에 대한 영주권_F5-11비자 F5-11비자는 일정 점수 이상을 취득하면 영주권으로 즉시 변경할 수 있는 비자입니다. 박사 후 과정 또는 박사과정 또는 회사에 다니면서 직무발명을 한 발명가는 F5-11비자 신청 시 20점 또는 25점을 받을 수 있는 출...

Announcement on Changes in Temporary Remedy Measures for Overseas Koreans in Countries subject to the Enhanced Quarantine Measures

  This is to announce that ‘Eligibility Details’ of the   Temporary Remedy Measures to help ease difficulties for Overseas Koreans in countries subject to the enhanced quarantine measures , which went into effect October 19(Mon.), 2020, have been changed.     (Previous) (Eligibility Details) Eligible applicants are  under-age children enrolled in schools in the ROK and their parents , among Overseas Koreans in countries subject to the enhanced quarantine measures who have departed from the ROK between February 1 and August 31, 2020. (After the Change) (Eligibility Details) Eligible applicants are  students enrolled in elementary, middle, or high schools in the ROK and their parents , among Overseas Koreans in countries subject to the enhanced quarantine measures who have departed from the ROK between February 1 and August 31, 2020

5 Most Important Factors for E7-4 VISA in 2021_2021년 숙련기능인력점수제비자 E7-4비자_5가지 중요한 요소들_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 5 Most Important Factors for E7-4 VISA in 2021_2021년 숙련기능인력점수제비자 E7-4비자_5가지 중요한 요소들_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/5pRuvpJ6VJ8 The Q4 E7-4 VISA result has been released and a lot of expats working in Korea with E-9 VISA has shocked again. Because the cut-line point were too high (68 points with KIIP stage 5 completion). So, the preparation for E7-4 VISA in 2021 is getting harder.  To help preparing E7-4 VISA well, VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 made this lecture Movie. If you are considering to apply for E7-4 VISA in 2020, you MUST know and understand the most important 5 Factors for E7-4 VISA in 2020. 1st Factor: Application Period 2nd Factor: Income Evidence 3rd Factor: Diploma 4th Factor: Working Experience at Local Provinces 5th Factor: Accumulated Savings or Buying a House See more detailed information with VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 Youtube Channel VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #foreign_worker #eps #e9visa #e7visa #e74visa #e9비자 #e74비자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴

How to apply for a Korea born child VISA of G1 visa holders_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 How to apply for a Korea born child VISA of G1 visa holders_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/sB_ySAKnVa4 If you are holding G1 visa and your child was born in Korea, how to apply for your child visa in Korea? Firstly, you need to check your current G1 visa status whether it is valid or not. Secondly, you need to get your child's birth certificate from a hospital. If this hospital issues your child's birth certificate in English, it is okay. But if the medical institution cannot issue English versioned birth certificate, you may visit to Notary Office for Notarial Translation. Thirdly, you and your child shall visit to your country's Embassy or Consulate in Korea and apply for your child passport. Lastly, you shall reserve Immigration Office and complete Application Form No. 34, your child birth certificate, your ARC copy, your child passport and your residence rent contract copy. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

E-2 VISA to F2-99 VISA Change in Korea_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 E-2 VISA to F2-99 VISA Change in Korea_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/1NremLEfnaw Sorry to bother you. I uploaded a full version but uploaded only intro-section. Anyway, I uploaded again with Full Video Version. Thx for your kindness and consideration. There are a lot of expats who are holding E-2 visa asking about how to change current E-2 VISA to F2-99 VISA. There are 4 basic criteria required to prepare for F2-99 VISA. Criteria 1:   Period,   Criteria 2:  Savings,  Criteria 3:  Yearly Income Criteria 4:  Korean Proficiency VISA in KOREA  장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #language_instructor #e2visa #e2 #f2visa #f299visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

Full Video_E-2 VISA to F2-99 VISA Change in Korea_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

난민신청자 국내 출생자녀 비자

 난민 신청자의 국내 출생 자녀 비자_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/NkBp--xPDD8 난민을 신청한 외국인의 자녀가 국내에서 태어난 경우, 무슨 비자를 신청할 수 있나요? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #refugee_application #난민신청자 #visainkorea #장행닷컴

F1 visa Korea for Koreans in the former Soviet Union

 -Implementation of Temporary Measure for Overseas Koreans in Countries Subject to the Enhanced Quarantine Measure-  Temporary visa issuance is implemented as specified below for ‘Koreans in the former Soviet Union’ who are facing difficulties, after departure from the ROK to obtain a new visa, such as discontinuation of children’s schooling due to visa restrictions subject to strengthened quarantine measures. ○ (Those subject to the measure) Overseas Koreans with Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan nationality ○ (Eligibility Details) Eligible applicants are those with under-age children enrolled at schools in the ROK, among Overseas Koreans who have departed from the ROK between February 1 and August 31, 2020 to obtain a new visa after having resided in the country with H-2 (Work and Visit) status, etc.               ※ Visas to be granted to under-age school children and the parents ○ (Visa issuance) Expeditious issuance of H-2 (Work and Visi...

외국인투자자 (D-8비자)의 장기체류비자로 부모님 초청

 외국인투자자 (D-8비자)의 장기체류비자로 부모님 초청하기_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/UWsi323BkT0 저는 D-8비자 투자비자로 한국에서 사업을 하고 있습니다. 고향에 계신 홀어머니를 한국으로 초청하고 싶습니다. 어머니께서 한국에서 장기체류할 수 있는 장기비자가 있나요? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #외국인 #외국인_비자 #사업비자 #투자비자 #D8비자 #investment_visa #parent_invitation #invitation_visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

난민신청자의 체류자격외 활동허가_G1비자-VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

 난민신청자의 체류자격외 활동허가_G1비자-VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/jG_-8FpTYCg G1-5비자를 소지하고 있는 난민신청자는 난민신청허가 신청일로부터 6개월이 지나면 체류자격외활동허가를 신청하고, 한국에서 일을 할 수 있습니다. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #g1visa #refugee_application #난민신청 #visainkorea #체류자격외활동허가 #장행닷컴

E-7 비자 배우자 F-3 비자의 체류자격외 활동허가 받는 방법

 E-7 비자 배우자 F-3 비자의 체류자격외 활동허가 받는 방법_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/zHKrgwnH7gE 저는 인도에서 석사학위를 받고 한국회사에서 근무하고 있습니다. 남편은 인도에서 박사학위를 받았지만 F-3비자로 한국에 있습니다. 남편이 F-3비자를 유지하면서 한국에서 일하려면 어떤 조건이 필요한가요? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #외국인 #외국인배우자 #f3비자 #체류자격외활동허가 #visainkorea #장행닷컴

F2-7 비자 우수인재 점수제 거주비자 점수 항목 및 준비서류

  I. 우수인재 점수제 비자 신청 가능 대상 VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 웹페이지  1. 전문직 · 준전문직 종사자 등으로서 교수(E-1), 회화지도(E-2), 연구(E-3), 기술지도(E-4), 전문직 업(E-5), 예술흥행(E-6), 특정활동(E-7), 취재(D-5), 종교(D-6), 주재(D-7), 기업투자(D-8), 무역경영 (D-9) 체류자격(단, 호텔·관광유흥업소 종사자(E-6-2), 숙련기능인력(E-7-4) 제외)을 가진 등록외국인 으로 다음 요건을 모두 충족하는 사람  ① 신청일 현재 신청 당시 체류자격으로 3년 이상 연속하여 합법체류 중일 것. 다만, 아래 중 하 나에 해당하는 경우 체류기간 요건(3년) 면제 가. 연간 소득금액이 4천만 원 이상인 자(소득금액증명 제출자에 한함) 나. 법무부장관이 인정하는 이공계 해외인재 유치 지원 사업 초청 대상자로서 관계 중앙행정 기관장의 추천을 받은 자 다. 유학(D-2) 또는 구직(D-10) 체류자격으로 합산하여 3년 이상 연속하여 합법 체류한 등록 외국인으로서 국내에서 정규 석사 이상의 과정을 마치고 석사 이상의 학위를 취득한 자(단, 한국전 참전국 우수인재로서 중앙행정기관 추천을 받은 외국인은 국내 학사 학위 이상 취득 시에도 신청 가 능) ② 신청 당시 소지한 체류자격의 체류 요건을 갖추었을 것 ※ 신청 당시 소지한 체류자격의 체류기간 연장 요건을 충족하지 못한 사람은 우수인재 비자 신청 불가 ③ 결격사유에 해당하지 않을 것 2. 유학(D-2) 또는 구직(D-10) 체류자격 을 가진 사람으로 다음의 요건을 모두 충족하는 사람 ① 신청일 현재 유학(D-2) 또는 구직(D-10) 체류자격으로 합산하여 3년 이상 연속하여 합법체류 중인 등록외국인일 것 ② 국내에서 정규 석사 이상의 과정을 마치고 석사 이상의 학위를 취득하였을 것(단, 한국전 참 전국 우수인재로서 중앙행정기관 추천을 받은 외국인은 국내 학사 학위 이상 취득 시에도 신청 가능) ③ 교수(E-1), 회화...

Newly Revised F2-7 VISA policy (F2-7 비자) Korea

  Newly Revised F2-7 VISA policy (December 2020) http://www.visainkorea.com Ministry of Justice’s Announcement No. 2020-243   The Ministry of Justice hereby announces revised criteria (age, education, annual income, etc.) for persons who fall under Item (I) of 24. Point based Resident (F2-7 visa) status of Table 1-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act. (Revised criteria of the Ministry of Justice's Announcement No. 2016-170 on June 1, 2016) Announcement on revised criteria (age, education, annual income, etc.) for persons who fall under Item (I) of 24. Point based Resident (F2-7 visa) status of Table 1-2 of the Enforcement Decree of the Immigration Control Act shall be effective from December 1, 2020. I. Eligible Applicants: E-1 visa, E-2 visa, E-3 visa, E-4 visa, E-5 visa, E6-1 visa, E6-3 visa, E7-1 visa, D-5 visa, D-6 visa, D-7 visa, D-8 visa, D-9 visa (*excluding E6-2 visa, E7-4 visa)   1. Requirements for the above Eligible Applicant...

D8 visa holder-Parent Invitation with F-1 visa

 Inviting parents with a long-term visa for foreign investment (D8 VISA Holder)_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_https://youtu.be/7J7_1HqtrQw I am holding D-8 VISA since 2018. How can I invite my parents and live with them in Korea? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #d8visa #invest_korea #korea_visa #business_visa #f1visa #invitation #parent_invitation #visainkorea #장행닷컴

COVID-19] Quarantine Exemption Certificate 자가격리면제서

 [COVID-19] Quarantine Exemption Certificate (effective Sept. 12th, 2020) In order to combat the COVID-19 pandemic the Republic of Korea requires a mandatory 14-day quarantine for anyone entering Korea at either their place of residence or a government-designated facility, effective April 01, 2020 at 00:00 hours. This mandatory quarantine will apply to everyone, regardless of nationality.  The only exception is for short-term foreign visitors who are issued a “Quarantine Exemption Certificate” from the Korean Embassy or the Korean Consulate General prior to the trip. Please note: The Quarantine Exemption Certificate is valid only if it is ISSUED not more than 7 days before your arrival date in Korea (KST).  So do NOT apply far in advance of your planned trip. You must travel to Korea within 7 days of being approved for and receiving the certificate.  * This is NOT the date of application. This is the date that it is ISSUED by the Consulate. [ Business Visitors ] 1. T...

E7-4 비자 특별쿼터 E7-4 visa Special Quota in 2020 Korea

 <Note>: Special Quota for Root Industries E7-4 visa Application Result There were recommendation letter and application for E7-4 visa applicants who are working at root industries in July and August.  It has been chosen 48 E-9 visa holders who met the requirements.  The result for a special Quota for root industries workers has been released and you may check on Hi Korea website through verification of your status of stay (expiry date check section). Rhis application is different from Q4 E7-4 visa Application.  Q4 E7-4 visa Application result will be released in Oct. 21, 2020.  지난 7월에 48명의 뿌리기업 외국인근로자에게 별도쿼터로 E7-4비자 신청 절차가 진행되었습니다. 산업통상부의 추천서 신청, 선정 후 출입국외국인사무소에 체류자격 변경 신청 등 그 절차가 다소 어려웠습니다. 8월에 뿌리산업 특별 쿼터로 E7-4비자를 신청하신 E9 비자 외국인근로자께서는 하이코리아 ‘체류만료일조회’에서 여권 정보를 입력하시고 비자 변경 여부를 확인해 보시기 바랍니다. 이 건은 10월달 4분기 신청과는 다른 특별쿼터입니다. 4분기 일반 신청자는 10월 21일에 확인하세요. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #foreign_worker #eps #e9visa #e7visa #e74visa #root_industry #specia...

Illegal stay, illegal working penalties within 1month

 <Notice> From Sep. 26, 2020, penalties violating Immigration Law have been greatly increased. Therefore, if you violate Immigration Law within 1 month such as illegal stay, illegal employment or working without work-permit, the fine shall be 2 million won. Please kindly note that the fine of 2 million won shall be imposed after 1 day passed from your period of status of stay. 2020년 9월 26일부터 출입국을 위반한 외국인에 대한 범칙금이 대폭 인상되었다고 합니다. 따라서, 1개월 이내의 불법체류, 불법취업, 체류자격외 활동허가 등을 위반하면 200만원의 범칙금이 발생합니다. 하루라도 체류기간이 도과하면 200만원의 범칙금이 발생할 수 있으니, 유의하시기 바랍니다. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

유학생 부모 F1비자 초청

 국내 석사학위를 받기 위해 대학교에서 공부하고 있는 유학생, 본국에 계신 어머니 장기비자로 초청_VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사_ https://youtu.be/wRUaOmdTaUA 홀로 계신 어머니를 한국으로 장기비자를 받고 체류하게 할 수 있나요? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #invitation #parent_invitation #f1visa #korea_visa #visainkorea #e7visa #f3visa #장행닷컴 #부모님초청 #초청비자 #d2비자

Invitation Parent with F1 visa

 Mother Invitation (F1-15 VISA)_Part I_by E7-1 VISA Holder_https://youtu.be/hkAe57QDH44 Can I invite my mother who are living in my home country? She is living in my country alone after my father passed away. I want to take care of my mother in Korea as a long term while I am staying in Korea. Is it possible? VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #invitation #parent_invitation #f1visa #f1_15visa #family_inviation #e7visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴

복수국적자 만18세 이후 국적이탈 제한은 헌법불합치_VISA in KOREA

 복수국적자 만18세 이후 국적이탈 제한은 헌법불합치_VISA in KOREA NEWS_https://youtu.be/fhKbPdfyrD0 만 18세를 넘은 복수국적자가 병역문제를 해결하지 못했을 때 한국 국적을 포기하고 외국 국적을 선택하지 못하도록 한 국적법 조항이 헌법에 어긋난다는 헌법재판소 결정이 나왔습니다. 헌법재판소는 10월 8일 복수국적자의 국적선택 의무와 국적이탈 신고제한 사유 등을 정한 국적법 조항이 과잉금지 원칙을 위반했다는 헌법소원 심판에서 헌법불합치 결정을 내렸다고 밝혔습니다. VISA IN KOREA NEWS #외국인 #국적이탈 #국적 #귀화 #국적포기 #국적선택 #헌법재판소 #장행닷컴

Re-entry Oermit 재입국허가

 <Note: Re-entry Permit Application Only through Online > Enforcement of Full Online Re-entry Permit System to strengthen Immigration controls for long-term Foreign Residents in connection with COVID-19. Full Online Re-entry Permit System will be executed from Oct. 12, 2020 (Monday) through Hi Korea web-page. So, there will be No application for Re-entry permit at Immigration Office from Oct. 12, 2020. **For Online application for Re-entry permit is possible through Hi Korea (www.hikorea.go.kr) up to 4 days before your Departure (excluding holidays). **Exception: Those who wish to leave the country on the same day can apply ONLY at the airport Immigration Office because they cannot obtain Re-entry permit in advance due to an urgent reason such as the death of their family. **In principle, application for Re-entry permit cannot be applied on the same day, and may not be accepted unless there is an urgent reason. Sourced by Hi Korea Translated by  VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #co...

Q4 E7-4 VISA CUT-LINE_2020년 4분기 E7-4비자 커트라인 예상

 Q4 E7-4 VISA CUT-LINE_2020년 4분기 E7-4비자 커트라인 예상_장행닷컴행정사 VISA in KOREA https://youtu.be/yiX4vFlGeEo Applications for the last E7-4 visa of the year are closed today. Many foreign workers have inquired about the cut-line for the E7-4 visa for the fourth quarter of 2020, and VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 will disclose the cut-line score which we expected based on current trends. The exact cut-line for successful candidates for E7-4 visa will be released on the Hi Korea webpage at 10:00 on October 21st. Please note that our expected cut-line is an explanation of the expected score and may be different from the actual cut-line announced on October 21st. I hope there will be good results. 오늘 올해의 마지막 E7-4비자의 접수가 마감됩니다. 많은 외국인근로자분들께서 이번 2020년 4분기의 E7-4비자의 커트라인에 대해 문의를 하셔서, 제가 예상하는 커트라인 점수를 공개합니다. 정확한 합격자 커트라인은 10월 21일 10시에 하이코리아 웹페이지에서 공개가 됩니다.  저의 예상 커트라인은 예상되는 점수를 설명한 것으로 실제 10월 21일에 발표되는 커트라인과 다를 수 있음을 인지하셨으면 합니다. 좋은 결과가 있었으면 하는 바람입니다.  VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사

2020년 4분기 E7-4 비자 신청

 FULL YOUTUBE LIVE https://youtu.be/8w9Nmukd-OY  2020년 4분기 마지막 E7-4비자 신청 Q & A (Q4 E7-4 VISA Application Q & A) with VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 from 8 pm to 9 pm TODAY!!!!! Visit YOUTUBE Channel to leave questions or watching Youtube Channel with messaging to Facebook Page. VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #Foreign_worker #eps #e74비자 #e9비자 #e9visa #visainkorea #장행닷컴