F-2-R VISA Introduction and detailed criteria (Regional Residency VISA): 지역 특화형 지역 우수인재 (F-2-R) 비자 체류 제도_ Regional Specialized Residency VISA (F-2-R Visa) It takes so long to get translated into English. Hope this may help you to understand and get more information about F-2-R visa. This new F-2 visa system starts from Oct. 4, 2022. Kindly see my Korean blog to get more information. VISA in KOREA Korean blog at https://blog.naver.com/bunhaeng/222889096299 VISA in KOREA 장행닷컴행정사 #expats #foreigner #F2visa #F2Rvisa #지역특화형거주비자 #지역우수인재 #visainkorea #장행닷컴
▶ 02.523.3075 ▶ janghaeng@naver.com ◀ 010.6383.3078 ▶ 인,허가 전문 (식품, HACCP등), 출입국 VISA in KOREA, 전문 번역 및 번역공증 대행, 영사확인 대행 전문