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D-2 VISA: Prepare for your Business (D-8-4 VISA, D-9-1 VISA) (D8비자) in Korea without Investment of Big Money

<<D-2 VISA: Prepare for your Business (D-8-4 VISA, D-9-1 VISA) (D8비자) in Korea without Investment of Big Money>>

Usaully, D-2 VISA (International Student VISA) holders consider to find a job after graduation. It means their hope is to get E-7-1 (Special Activity VISA) matching with their major in College, University etc.

However, VISA in KOREA would like to introduce Business VISA for D-2 VISA holders. It means if you prepare certain things during your courses in University or after graduation, you have a chance to open your own business without investing big money.

VISA in KOREA has supported a lot of Expat Business Startup companies since 2016.

**1. D-8-4 VISA (Startup VISA):

(1) Conditions:

i) College or higher graduate students in Korea or higher than bachelor degree in overseas;

ii) Gaining over 80 points out of 368 points (taking classes to get points, OASIS Program. Visit at Seoul Global Center webpage;

iii) Establishing Corporate company and completing Business registration.

(*Usaully, a job seeking visa (D-10 VISA) allows you within 1 year in case of College graduation in Korea but if you have D-10 VISA for the purpose of D-8-4 VISA, Startup visa, it may grant you 2 years (every 6 month extension).

So, if you prepare for these points during your University courses in Korea, you may get enough points. Also, after grauation, you may apply for D-10 VISA for the purpose of D-8-4 VISA to get enough points.

The time of establishing your corporation is when you have enough points (50 points)).

(2) Benenfits:

i) Invite your spouse and children into Korea with F-3 VISA;

ii) Having a chance to apply for F-2-7 VISA (Points based residence visa) 1 year after D-8-4 VISA acquisition;

iii) Having a chance to apply for F-5 VISA (Permanent residence visa) 3 years after D-8-4 VISA acquisition and attracting 300 million won from Investors and hiring 2 Korean nationals;

iv) Having a chance to apply for F-2-99 VISA (Long term residence visa) 7 years after D-8-4 VISA acquisition.

FYI, usually D-8 VISA is required for KRW 100 million won investment.

**2-1. D-9 VISA (Private Company Startup):
1) Conditions: Graduating from one of Korean Universities higher than Bachelor degree and acquiring over 40 points through OASIS Program (Seoul Global Center).

2) Benefits: Open your own business without investing certain amount of money from your home country. F-3, F2-99, F-2-7 and F-5 allow if you meet the requirements.

**2-2. D-9-1 VISA (Points based Trading Business VISA):

1) Conditions: Having over 60 points out of 160 points of Points System for Trading Business with over 10 points of Required Item. Course's lecture will be held by KOTRA, Seoul Global Center (Dongdaemun Branch) and Korea International Trade Association.

2) Benefits: Open your own business without investing certain amount of money from your home country. F-3, F2-99, F-2-7 and F-5 allow if you meet the requirements.

FYI, usually D-9 VISA is required for KRW 300 million won investment.

***Think for Your Future Living in Korea with VISA in KOREA***

D2VISA D8VISA D84VISA D2비자 E7비자 E6비자

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Stamp 67-1, 68-1, 46-1 출국권고 출국명령 강제추방

<<Meaning of Stamped 46-1, 68-1 & 67-1 on Your Passport>> Foreigners residing in Republic of Korea are applied under the 'Immigration Act'. Some of foreigners may get stamped 46-1, 68-1 or 67-1 on their passport when they leave Korea. You may know the meaning of stamps as below: For your information, 46-1 is a violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of Immigration Act, 68-1 is a violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 68, and 67-1 is a violation of Article 1 of the same Korea Law. (1) 67-1 Stamp (Recommendations for Departure): If a foreigner staying in the Republic of Korea falls under any of the following circumstances, the head of a Regional Immigration Service may recommend the foreigner to voluntarily depart from the Republic of Korea: -. A person who violates Article 17 or 20 through a minor offense; -. A person who violates this Act or any order issued under this Act, in respect of whom the Minister of Justice deems it necessary to recommend de...