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When applying for a specific activity visa (E-7-1), at which immigration office do you apply for a visa change? 특정활동비자 E7 비자

 When applying for a specific activity visa (E-7-1), at which immigration office do you apply for a visa change?

When applying for a specific activity visa (E-7-1) after graduating from college, should you go to the immigration office that has jurisdiction over your residence or the immigration office that has jurisdiction over your hiring company's address?

Graduation season for international students in Korea is back. I think the international students who are graduating this time have suffered a lot of things to study during COVID-19 era. So, they have high expectations for the first face-to-face graduation ceremony.

However, along with that, I think you will have a lot of concerns because of the procedures to find a job in Korea and change for a specific activity visa (E-7) after finding a hiring company.

First of all, as I have posted before, rather than changing to a specific activity visa (E-7) immediately after graduation from D-2 visa, I have recommended changing to a job-seeking visa (D-10) and then taking time to look for a better job.

However, fortunately, there are some international students who have succeeded in finding a job immediately after graduating from college.

Anyway, if the international student is living in Seocho-gu (under the jurisdiction of the Seoul Immigration Office) and the company he/she is working for is in Jongno-gu (under the jurisdiction of the Sejong-no branch of the Seoul Immigration Office), where he/she shall apply for his/her E-7 visa? 

In this case, should you make a reservation for a visit to the immigration office based on where you live, or should you make a reservation for a visa change application at the immigration office where you have a company to work for?

My correct answer is that:

You can apply at either the immigration office that has jurisdiction over the place where you live or the immigration office that has jurisdiction over the company address where you will work.

However, when applying for a specific activity visa (E-7), it is recommended that you apply at the immigration office in the jurisdiction where the company you are working for is located.

Because, sometimes, an actual investigation and examination of the company from the immigration office where you will be working for are need to be required. So, kindly consider this case and reserve a reservation for a proper immigration office for your E-7 visa change application.

Wish you a bright future in Korea !!



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Stamp 67-1, 68-1, 46-1 출국권고 출국명령 강제추방

<<Meaning of Stamped 46-1, 68-1 & 67-1 on Your Passport>> Foreigners residing in Republic of Korea are applied under the 'Immigration Act'. Some of foreigners may get stamped 46-1, 68-1 or 67-1 on their passport when they leave Korea. You may know the meaning of stamps as below: For your information, 46-1 is a violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 46 of Immigration Act, 68-1 is a violation of Paragraph 1 of Article 68, and 67-1 is a violation of Article 1 of the same Korea Law. (1) 67-1 Stamp (Recommendations for Departure): If a foreigner staying in the Republic of Korea falls under any of the following circumstances, the head of a Regional Immigration Service may recommend the foreigner to voluntarily depart from the Republic of Korea: -. A person who violates Article 17 or 20 through a minor offense; -. A person who violates this Act or any order issued under this Act, in respect of whom the Minister of Justice deems it necessary to recommend de...